IS JESUS REAL? - NON-BIBLICAL EVIDENCE OF HIS EXISTENCE---How Can the Divinity of Christ Be Proven? How can we be certain about the identity of Jesus? Why would anyone believe He was something more than a mere man? How could we ever know for sure? Jesus’ Authority Was Based in His Deity---Evidence Humans Can Walk on Water---A THOUSAND WAYS TO WALK ON WATER! #PRAISEJESUS
Ancient Evidence Of Historical Jesus From Non-Christian Sources
For more information, read Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels (
Read: Jesus’ Authority Was Based in His Deity
- Does the Soul Survive?: A Jewish Journey to Belief in Afterlife, Past Lives & Living with Purpose by Rabbi Elie Kaplan Spitz
- Gnostic Christianity
- Esoteric Christianity
- Jesus Was a Rainbow Body Monk
- Reincarnation in the Bible
- A Case Against Hell
- "Eternal" Punishment (Matthew 25:46) Is NOT Found In The Greek New Testament. - Bible Translations That Do Not Teach Eternal Torment
Unraveling the Connections between Aliens, Demons, and Christianity|With Dr. Brian Huffling--- "Non-Christian Academic Researchers Say Aliens Are Demons"
Kanye West - Jesus Walks (Version 2)
IS JESUS REAL? - NON-BIBLICAL EVIDENCE OF HIS EXISTENCE---How Can the Divinity of Christ Be Proven? How can we be certain about the identity of Jesus? Why would anyone believe He was something more than a mere man? How could we ever know for sure? Jesus’ Authority Was Based in His Deity---Evidence Humans Can Walk on Water---A THOUSAND WAYS TO WALK ON WATER! #PRAISEJESUS
Kanye West - Jesus Walks (Version 2)
Must-See Information
Potentially the Most Important Info You Will Ever Come Across... Or Maybe Not, But As the Boyscouts Say Always Be Prepared!
I've researched the afterlife for nearly 10 years. I am convinced that Reptilian beings are REAL and that the tunnel of light that people see when they die is a trap.---A now deleted comment mentioned that perhaps one can only be trapped if their consciousness resonates at a low vibration like the reptilians. I think there is wisdom there!Watch "The Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap" on YouTube Near-Death Experiences of Atheists
- Close Friends of Atheist Forrest J. Ackerman Claim He Contacted Them After His Death
- Debunking the Pseudoskeptics of Near-Death Experiences
- The Demon House - Most Authenticated Case of Possession in American History
- The Inter-Dimensional Entities Behind the Dark Agenda That’s Taking Over the World
- Debunking Chris Hardwick on Ghosts
- Undebunking EVPs
- Response to Eternal Life Fan Club
- The Rainbow Body - Periodically Updated Research Page
- Paranormal Feats of Buddhist Monks Lending Credence to the Rainbow Body Phenomenon - Periodically Updated Research Page
- 2Pac & The Tibetan Book of the Dead & Tips on Skipping Reincarnation in Favor of Paradise
- Does the Soul Survive?: A Jewish Journey to Belief in Afterlife, Past Lives & Living with Purpose by Rabbi Elie Kaplan Spitz
- Gnostic Christianity
- Esoteric Christianity
- Jesus Was a Rainbow Body Monk
- Reincarnation in the Bible
- A Case Against Hell
- "Eternal" Punishment (Matthew 25:46) Is NOT Found In The Greek New Testament. - Bible Translations That Do Not Teach Eternal Torment
- Does the dark work with the light? Are ghosts just masquerading demons?
- Interview with Winston Wu, Founder of SCEPCOP and Debunker of Pseudo-Skeptics